Music List

  • 発売日:2024/06/05
  • 品番 :SRML-1088
  • 価格 :5,000円(税別)
  • 発売元:SUNRISE Music Label(Bandai Namco Music Live)

SAND LAND Original Soundtrack(音楽:菅野祐悟)

2023年8月に公開され話題となった映画『SAND LAND』、そして2024年3月20日(水・祝)よりディズニープラスにて世界独占配信が開始したアニメ『SAND LAND: THE SERIES』で使用された劇伴を収録したオリジナルサウンドトラックが発売決定!

菅野祐悟による100曲の劇伴、imaseによる映画主題歌「ユートピア -Movie Edit-」、『SAND LAND: THE SERIES』オープニング&エンディングテーマであるKroi「Water Carrier -Anime Edit-」、Tempalay「ドライブ・マイ・イデア -Anime Edit-」も収録!


SAND LAND Original Soundtrack(音楽:菅野祐悟)

価格:5,000円(税抜)/ 5,500円(税込)


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コーチャンフォー 美しが丘店
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ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディアAkiba
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Joshin 日本橋店2Fディスクピア
喜久屋書店漫画館 阿倍野店
HMV&BOOKS online




Track List

悪魔の王子編 -The Story of the Fiend Prince-

01. Water Carrier -Anime Edit- / Kroi
02. Something's Coming...
03. Song by Terrier / 青木カレン
04. Beelzebub is Here
05. Encounter with the Fiend Prince
06. To See the King Lucifer
07. Anyone Want to Go with Me?
08. Hilarious Demon Audition
09. Departure on a Journey (Main Title)
10. Beelzebub's Theme
11. Fighting the Gang of the Thieves
12. Tense Battle
13. It's Hard on Thief
14. Thief's Success
15. Rao's Strategy
16. Joyful Feeling
17. Fighting the Royal Army
18. Tense Battle with the Royal Army
19. Shadows of Zeu
20. ドライブ・マイ・イデア Drive My Idea -Anime Edit- / Tempalay
21. Preview of Next Installment
22. Rao's Knowledge
23. Rao's Tragic Past
24. Rao's Regret
25. Swimmers Appeared
26. Zeu Hostility
27. The Wrath of Zeu
28. Swimmers' Plans
29. Last-Ditch Effort
30. General Shiva's Fighting Style

01. Legendary General Shiva
02. The Real Story (Behind Something)
03. Can't We Trust the Fiend?
04. Main Title
05. Legendary Spring
06. Are's Unwillingness
07. Rao's Redemption
08. Toward the Water Source
09. Thoughts of Are & Rao
10. Big Dam
11. Insect Men Appear!
12. Fighting the Insect Men
13. Infiltration into the Mega Aircraft Carrier
14. The Battle of Zeu
15. Rao's Counterattack
16. No One Gets to be More Evil than a Fiend!
17. A World Full of Joy
18. ユートピア -Movie Edit- / imase

天使の勇者編 -The Story of the Angel Hero-

01. Urn of Sealing
02. World Where the Water Has Returned
03. Encounter with Muniel
04. Reuniting the Picchi
05. Avoiding Drones
06. The Mystery Girl
07. Land of the Dead
08. On to a New Adventure
09. Forest Land Army Attempts
10. To Forest Land
11. Enjoying Forest Land
12. Clash with the Resistance
13. Bad News
14. Princess Ann
15. Bad Plan
16. Thief in Disguise
17. Sneaking into the Capital
18. Muniel's Speech
19. Undercover Investigation
20. Reclaiming King Jam
21. Clash with Supreme Commander Bred
22. Dirty Fighting
23. Fiend's Daughter
24. Escape from the Army
25. Encirclement
26. Beelzebub Enduring
27. Rescued by Swimmers
28. Falling for a Trick
29. Childhood Memories
30. The Queen's Secret
31. Ann's Woes
32. Targeted Thief
33. Lilith Sealed
34. Goodbye, Muniel
35. The Work of an Angel

01. Flying Fortress Garam
02. Muniel the Madness
03. The Power of Garam
04. Gathering of Friends
05. Time to Fight Back!
06. Ann's Operation...Fighting Bred
07. Last-Ditch Fight
08. Muniel of the Progress
09. Overwhelm
10. The Final Battle
11. A Desperate a Happy Ending
12. Song by Terrier -Instrumental ver.-
13. Song by Terrier -Acoustic Guitar ver.-
14. The Mega Aircraft Carrier Assault
15. Manifestation of Zeu
16. Swimmers' Theme
17. Thief's Theme
18. Zeu's Theme
19. Rao's Theme
20. Ann's Theme
